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Saturday, May 31, 2008

Here Is Something A Little Different

This is the Cleveland skyline and my grandma. I know it makes no sense to you why I would put the two pictures together so I am going to tell a little story.
One of the towers in the picture glows in the dark at the needle of it. When it glowed it seemed to have a white face. My gram worked at the Cleveland Post Office as a mail Sorter, she worked night shift. I would sit in the brown station wagon with imitation wood paneling on the outside and inside. The post office was in one of those buildings. It seemed to me that when that tower glowed it looked like Frosty The Snowman. It didn't matter if it was summer time we would sit in the car and sing Frosty all the way to my grams work place.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

The Lord Likes Me This Way

I'm old and fat
I have lost my teeth
My hair is getting thin
And when I look back on my life
I was never meant to win
Each hill I've climbed
Has been a task
That almost blew my mind
But I have seen the sunshine
In my life lots of times
I've climbed up mountains
And looked out on a view
A million times more beautiful
Than you 'city fellers' knew
I have walked in meadows
Decorated by snow
Where only footprints
Of God's little critters show
But time has robbed me of my youth
And painted my hair gray
When I walk I know I stoop
For age made me that way
When you look at me you laugh
"What a funny old lady" you say
But what you think don't bother me-
The Lord likes me this way.,