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Saturday, April 12, 2008


There's no time to enjoy the sunsets
When you have to bring home the bread
There's no time to enjoy the sunrise
You'd much rather lie in your bed
The rainfall is only a nuisance
The sun gets too hot on your head
You have to hustle every day
And never get one step ahead

It's funny how when you get older
And know your life could end
You think how things would be different
If you could live life over again
You'd take time to climb up a mountain
You'd stand and savor the breeze
You'd watch while the changing seasons
Show in the leaves of trees

You'd wait for the golden sunsets
And awake to watch it rise
If only the young could see the things
As seen through an old man's eyes
Why do we have to grow older
Before we are privledged to find
The bueaty and love in nature
That was there for us all the time.