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Wednesday, December 31, 2008

The Heart of a Mom Forever: A Little Gift

This is from the actual book "The Heart of a Mom"
This post is in response to a post from Robin Easton. More of a gift really. I know I don't blog much here but there are no word that I can convey or express half as much meaning as words that were written by my grandmother. My grandmother's written words are the last words left. They were words she used to recite to us from memory.
The poem that says my name, Shirley, is about me as a child. I'm not really much different. I get upset when my son holds a worm too long and kills it. I sit and watch the sky for stars or anything that may be in the sky. So, I guess my grandmother had her prayer answered. I only aged and got a little taller.

This next poem is sad but it is my favorite poem that my gram wrote. So, please find some Kleenex. You will need it. I need to also mention that my grammy is a coal miners daughter. This poem has led me to believe that maybe my great-grandpa died in a mining accident. I don't know this for sure and no one has ever told me where he went to. My grandmother writes based on life experiences so, this is my only assumption. Also, my grandma's middle name is Josephine so maybe she got Baby Jo's name from her own. She always had the nickname of Jo.


Anonymous said...

Oh Shirley, I am stunned. Truly stunned. I am sitting here crying over both poems (and your gift to me). Your grandmother saw in you what I see in you and have grown to love. And you have NOT lost that astounding love of the world around, of nature and people and life. You have grown wise, but are still have that softness in you. It is why the little doll I sent you reminded me of you. I see it in you so MUCH. Although you are one determined woman you are a kind soft woman. It's why you make magical cakes for your kids and do for them over yourself. It's why you fight for kids the world over. Bless you a thousand times for that.

And I cried over the other poem and yet I LOVED how it ended; that she took the doll to her wedding in memory of her father. I love when people do things like that. It brings the soul back into our lives. I do things like that all the time because it gives life meaning and brings those we have loved and still love close to us.

She was a very emotional and deeply insightful woman. I am sooooooooo glad you shared these parts of her. It is indeed a very very precious gift. Wow! I am honored Shirley. More than honored. Thank you from my deepest heart. Love, Robin

Miss Shirl said...

My gram gave me a Mary, Joseph, and baby Jesus porcelain doll set on the Thanksgiving before she passed away. We had one last Christmas and one last Thanksgiving. She told me that when she passes away the dolls were mine. I knew something was wrong when she gave me the dolls and I didn't want to accept it. I tried to make her take them back and she wouldn't. I am grateful for that last little bit of time we had left. I hope to one day renew my vows and bring the dolls as a replacement gram.